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C++核心准则CP.1: 设想你的代码?会成为多线程程序的一部分

ccvgpt 2024-07-26 00:48:14 基础教程 8 ℃

CP.1: Assume that your code will run as part of a multi-threaded program

CP.1: 设想你的代码会成为多线程程序的一部分


It's hard to be certain that concurrency isn't used now or won't be used sometime in the future. Code gets reused. Libraries not using threads may be used from some other part of a program that does use threads. Note that this rule applies most urgently to library code and least urgently to stand-alone applications. However, over time, code fragments can turn up in unexpected places.

C++核心准则CP.1: 设想你的代码?会成为多线程程序的一部分


Example, bad(反面示例)

double cached_computation(double x)
    // bad: these statics cause data races in multi-threaded usage
    static double cached_x = 0.0;
    static double cached_result = COMPUTATION_OF_ZERO;

    if (cached_x != x) {
        cached_x = x;
        cached_result = computation(x);
    return cached_result;

Although cached_computation works perfectly in a single-threaded environment, in a multi-threaded environment the two static variables result in data races and thus undefined behavior.


Example, good(范例)

struct ComputationCache {
  double cached_x = 0.0;
  double cached_result = COMPUTATION_OF_ZERO;
  double compute(double x) {
    if (cached_x != x) {
      cached_x = x;
      cached_result = computation(x);
    return cached_result;

Here the cache is stored as member data of a ComputationCache object, rather than as shared static state. This refactoring essentially delegates the concern upward to the caller: a single-threaded program might still choose to have one global ComputationCache, while a multi-threaded program might have one ComputationCache instance per thread, or one per "context" for any definition of "context." The refactored function no longer attempts to manage the allocation of cached_x. In that sense, this is an application of the Single Responsibility Principle.


In this specific example, refactoring for thread-safety also improved reusability in single-threaded programs. It's not hard to imagine that a single-threaded program might want two ComputationCache instances for use in different parts of the program, without having them overwrite each other's cached data.


There are several other ways one might add thread-safety to code written for a standard multi-threaded environment (that is, one where the only form of concurrency is std::thread):


  • Mark the state variables as thread_local instead of static.
  • 将状态变量定义为线程内部的局部变量而不是静态变量。
  • Implement concurrency control, for example, protecting access to the two static variables with a static std::mutex.
  • 实现并发控制,例如,使用静态的std::mutex保护对两个静态变量的访问。
  • Refuse to build and/or run in a multi-threaded environment.
  • 拒绝在多任务环境中编译或执行代码。
  • Provide two implementations: one for single-threaded environments and another for multi-threaded environments.
  • 提供两种实现:一个用于单线程环境,另一个用于多线程环境。


Code that is never run in a multi-threaded environment.


Be careful: there are many examples where code that was "known" to never run in a multi-threaded program was run as part of a multi-threaded program, often years later. Typically, such programs lead to a painful effort to remove data races. Therefore, code that is never intended to run in a multi-threaded environment should be clearly labeled as such and ideally come with compile or run-time enforcement mechanisms to catch those usage bugs early.







