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一、思维导图(Mind map)
In C/C++ programming languages, a pointer array is a very powerful and flexible tool that allows programmers to create dynamic data structures, implement efficient string processing, construct function pointer tables, etc. This article will explore the basic concepts of pointer arrays and their various applications, and deepen understanding through several practical examples.
三、什么是指针数组?(What is a Pointer Array?)
In previous articles, we have already introduced this topic. Here, we will briefly review it again.A pointer array is a type of array where each element is a pointer. This means it can store the addresses of multiple different variables or point to a series of memory locations of the same data type. For example, we can define a character pointer array to save the starting addresses of multiple strings, which is especially useful when handling text.
In this example, strArray is an array of character pointers, where each element points to a null-terminated string constant.
四、指针数组的应用(Applications of Pointer Arrays)
String Processing: As mentioned earlier, pointer arrays can be used to store and manage multiple strings. This is particularly convenient for programs that frequently manipulate strings, such as text editors or compilers.
Function Pointer Tables: Pointer arrays can also contain function pointers, allowing us to call different functions based on conditions, thus achieving polymorphism or command patterns.
Dynamic Allocation of Two-Dimensional Arrays: Through pointer arrays, we can easily allocate and release memory for two-dimensional arrays without using static arrays, saving memory and offering greater flexibility.
Linked Lists and Other Complex Data Structures: Pointer arrays can also be used to build more complex custom data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs, which are crucial for solving specific problems.
Example: Sorting Strings Using a Pointer Array
The following example shows how to sort strings using a pointer array:
This code snippet first defines a character pointer array names, then implements the sortStrings function to sort this array. Note that what's being swapped here are the pointers, not the strings themselves, making the operation more efficient.
That's all for today's sharing.
If you have a unique idea about the article,
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I wish you a happy day today!
参 考 资 料:通义千问
参考文献:Kernighan, B. W., & Ritchie, D. M. (1988). The C Programming Language (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-110362-8.
Stroustrup, B. (2013). The C++ Programming Language (4th ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0321563842.
Prata, S. (2013). C Primer Plus (6th ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-321-77640-2.
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