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【挑战常用短语1000个】 part 18 C字母开头255短语动词短语汇总

ccvgpt 2024-07-28 12:21:33 基础教程 6 ℃


挑战常用短语1000个-part 18上 动词短语 C


【挑战常用短语1000个】 part 18 C字母开头255短语动词短语汇总

Call away - 叫走;叫去

To ask someone to leave or depart from a place; to call someone to come to a different location

Call back - 回电话;回呼

To return a phone call or message; to request that someone return to a previous location or situation

Call by - 拜访;顺便走访

To visit someone briefly or informally; to stop by or drop in on someone

Call for - 呼吁;要求

To demand or request something; to require or necessitate something

Call forth - 激发;引起

To evoke or bring about a particular emotion, response, or action; to summon or invite someone to appear

Call in - 召回;请来;短暂拜访

To ask someone to come to a particular place for a specific purpose; to recall something, often a product or service;pay a brief visit

Call off - 取消;停止

To cancel or abandon something that has been planned or arranged; to cease doing something

Call on - 拜访;呼吁

To visit someone for a specific purpose; to ask for something from someone

Call upon ...to do - 号召...做某事

To ask or summon someone to do a particular task or action

Call out - 呼喊;叫出声

To shout or speak loudly in order to get someone's attention; to challenge or criticize someone publicly

Call over - 叫过来;点名

To ask someone to come closer or move towards you; to read out a list of names or items

Calm down - 冷静下来;平静下来

To become less agitated or upset; to relax and become peaceful

Camp out - 扎营;露营

To set up a temporary campsite and spend the night outdoors

Camp up - 夸张;装模作样

To exaggerate or overact in a theatrical or comical manner

Cancel out - 抵消;取消

To counterbalance or neutralize the effect of something; to eliminate or revoke something previously agreed upon

Capitalize on - 利用;充分利用

To take advantage of an opportunity; to make the most of a situation

Care for - 照顾;关心

To look after someone or something; to have an interest in or concern for someone or something

Get carried away - 情绪激动;被冲昏头脑

To become overly excited, emotional, or enthusiastic about something

Carry forward - 继续进行;推进

To continue with something that has already been started; to advance or progress

Carry off - 成功完成;获得成功

To successfully accomplish something difficult or challenging; to win or achieve success in a competition

Carry on - 继续进行;坚持做某事

To continue doing something; to behave in a particular way, often in an annoying or disruptive manner

Carry out - 执行;实施

To complete or perform a task, often referring to an order, plan, or instruction

Cut off - 切断;中断

To disconnect or sever something; to prevent access or communication with someone or something

Carve out - 开辟出;创造出

To create or establish something new, often through hard work and perseverance

Carve up - 切成块;分割

To divide something into smaller pieces; to share something among different people or groups

Cash in - 兑现;变现

To exchange something for money; to take advantage of an opportunity for profit

Cash in on - 利用...赚钱

To take advantage of an opportunity for financial gain; to profit from something

Cash out - 提现;兑现

To exchange something for cash; to sell an investment and receive the proceeds

Cast around - 寻找;四处打听

To search for something, often aimlessly or without direction; to look for information from various sources

Cast aside - 抛弃;丢弃

To discard or reject something, often without consideration for its value or worth

Be cast away - 被遗弃;被抛弃

To be abandoned or left behind, often in an isolated or remote location

Cast back - 回想起;回忆起

To remember something from the past; to reflect on a previous experience

Cast down - 使沮丧;使失望

To cause someone to feel sad, disappointed, or discouraged; to lower someone's spirits

Cast off - 解开;放开

To untie, loosen, or release something, often referring to a rope or knot; to let go of something, often referring to a feeling or emotion

Cast out - 驱逐;赶走

To expel or banish someone from a place; to reject someone socially or emotionally

Catch on - 理解;流行起来

To understand something gradually; to become popular or fashionable

Catch out - 揭穿;拆穿

To reveal the truth about someone's actions, often exposing them as dishonest or deceitful

Catch up - 赶上;追赶

To reach the same level as someone else who is ahead; to become up-to-date with something that has been missed

Be caught up in - 被卷入;陷入...之中

To become involved in something, often unintentionally or against one's will

Catch up on - 赶上...的进度;补做...

To make up for lost time by completing tasks that have been missed; to become current with news, events, etc.

Catch up with - 追上;赶上

To reach the same level as someone who is ahead; to encounter someone after a period of time has passed

Cater to - 迎合;满足...的需求

To provide what is desired by a particular person, group, or market; to satisfy a need or demand

Cater for - 为...提供服务;满足...的需求

To provide goods or services for a particular person, group, or market; to meet the needs or demands of someone or something

Cave in - 塌陷;崩塌

To collapse suddenly, often referring to a structure, surface, or ground

Center around - 以...为中心;围绕...展开

To focus on a particular person, idea, or theme as the central point of discussion, activity, etc.

Chalk up - 记下;归因于...的功劳

To record something as an achievement or success; to attribute something positive to a particular person, group, etc.

Chalk up to - 归因于...的原因;认为是...的结果

To attribute the cause of something to a particular person, event, etc.; to consider something as the result of a particular circumstance

Chance upon - 偶然发现;碰巧遇到

To discover something by chance; to meet someone unexpectedly

Change around - 改变位置或次序;改变方向或方式

To rearrange the order, position, direction, etc. of something; to modify the way something is done

Change down - 减速;降档

To shift gears in a vehicle so that it moves more slowly; to reduce the intensity of an activity or situation

Change into - 变成;转化成

To transform into something else; to put on different clothing in order to assume a different appearance

Change over - 转变;转换

To switch from one thing to another; to replace one thing with another

Change up - 改变方式或策略;转变思路或方法

To modify the way something is done; to alter one's approach or strategy in order to achieve better results

Charge up - 充电;充满活力或激情

To fill up with electricity; to energize oneself with enthusiasm or motivation

Charge somebody with - 控告;指控

To formally accuse someone of committing a crime; to assign someone with a particular task or responsibility

Chase after - 追逐;追赶

To run after someone in order to catch them; to pursue someone relentlessly

Chase away - 赶走;驱赶

To force someone or something to leave a particular place; to scare away an animal or intruder

Chase down - 追踪;搜寻

To track down and catch someone or something; to find and locate someone who is hiding

Chase off - 赶走;驱逐

To force someone or something to leave a particular place by chasing them away; to scare away an animal or intruder

Chase up - 追踪;催促

To follow up on something that has not been completed; to remind someone about something that needs attention

Chat up - 搭讪;调侃

To talk flirtatiously with someone in order to get their attention; to engage in light-hearted conversation with someone

cheat on - 欺骗;出轨

To deceive or betray someone's trust; to have a sexual relationship with someone outside of a committed partnership

Check in - 登记入住;报到

To register one's arrival at a particular place, often referring to a hotel or airport

Check into - 调查;查明情况

To investigate or research something in order to learn more about it; to confirm the details of a particular situation

Check off - 核对清单;打勾号

To mark items on a list as completed or verified; to confirm that something has been done

Check on - 检查;核实情况

To verify that something is correct or accurate; to ensure that everything is running smoothly

Check out - 退房;结帐离开

To leave a hotel or other lodging establishment after paying the bill; to investigate or examine something

Check over - 仔细检查;审查

To review or examine something carefully in order to ensure that it is correct or accurate

Check through - 仔细检查;审查

To review or examine something thoroughly in order to ensure that it is correct or accurate

Check up - 检查身体状况;核实情况

To have a medical examination in order to ensure that one is healthy; to verify that everything is running smoothly

Check up on somebody/ something - 查看...的情况;核实...的情况

To verify that someone or something is doing well; to investigate or check on someone in order to ensure that they are safe and healthy

Cheer on - 为...加油;为...喝彩

To encourage and support someone, often by shouting and clapping; to root for someone during a competition or event

Cheer up - 使高兴起来;振作起来

To make someone feel happier and more positive; to encourage someone who is feeling down

Chew on - 咀嚼;思考

To bite and grind food with the teeth; to consider and reflect on an idea or problem

Chew out - 责骂;斥责

To scold or reprimand someone harshly; to criticize someone severely

Chew over - 仔细考虑;深思熟虑

To think about something carefully and thoroughly; to ponder an idea or problem

Chew up - 咀嚼;毁坏

To bite and grind food with the teeth; to damage or destroy something

chuck in - 投入;插入

To put effort or resources into something; to add something to a mix or conversation

chuck out - 扔掉;开除

To throw away or discard something; to dismiss or fire someone

chug along - 缓慢前进

To move slowly and steadily, often with difficulty

chum around - 闲逛;交朋友

To spend time idly or casually; to befriend or socialize with someone

clam up - 闭嘴;不说话

To become silent or refuse to talk, often due to shyness or secrecy

clamp down - 压制;取缔

To suppress or restrict something, often through force or authority

claw at - 抓住;扯

To grab or scratch at something with claws or fingers; to criticize or attack someone verbally

claw back - 挽回;收回

To recover something that was lost or taken away, often through effort or negotiation

clean out - 清理;抢劫

To remove dirt or clutter from a space; to rob or steal everything from a place

clean up - 打扫干净;整理

To tidy up or make something clean; to improve or reform something

clear away - 清理;消除

To remove debris or clutter from a space; to eliminate or resolve a problem

clear out - 清理;搬离

To remove everything from a space; to leave a place or situation

clear up - 澄清;消除

To clarify or resolve a misunderstanding; to improve weather conditions

click on - 点击

To select or activate something on a computer screen by pressing a button with a mouse

climb down - 放弃;下来

To abandon a position or stance; to descend from a high place

cling to - 紧紧抓住;依恋

To hold onto something tightly; to have a strong emotional attachment to something or someone

clock in - 打卡上班

To record one's arrival time at work by using a time clock or similar device

clock out - 打卡下班

To record one's departure time from work by using a time clock or similar device

clock up - 累计;积累

To accumulate or amass something, such as hours worked or points scored

clog up - 堵塞;阻塞

To obstruct or block a passage or flow of something

close down - 关闭;停业

To shut down or cease operations, often permanently

close in - 靠近;包围

To move closer to something or someone; to surround or enclose

close off - 封闭;关闭

To block or seal off a passage or area; to cease access to something

close on - 逼近;接近

To move closer to something or someone; to approach or near something

close out - 结束;清盘

To bring something to a conclusion; to sell off remaining inventory

close up - 关闭;合拢

To shut or seal something, such as a door or container; to move closer together

cloud over - 阴天;变得阴沉

To become overcast with clouds; to become gloomy or depressed

clown around - 开玩笑;扮鬼脸

To behave in a silly or foolish manner; to act like a clown

club together - 凑钱;共同出资

To pool money together with others for a common purpose; to jointly contribute resources

clue in - 暗示;告诉某人情况

To give someone information or insight about something, often in a discreet or indirect manner

clue up - 掌握情况;了解详情

To become informed or knowledgeable about something; to understand the details of a situation

cluster around - 聚集在……周围

To gather closely around something or someone

clutter up - 弄乱;堆满杂物

To fill a space with disorderly items; to make a space messy and disorganized

coast along - 缓慢前进;无所事事地行动

To move slowly and aimlessly; to progress without purpose or direction

cobble together - 拼凑;匆忙组合

To put together or create something quickly or with whatever materials are available

colour in - 填色;给…上色

To fill in or add color to a drawing or coloring page

colour up - 脸红;变红

To become red in the face, often due to embarrassment or excitement

comb through - 仔细梳理;彻底检查

To carefully search or examine something, typically in a thorough and systematic manner

come about - 发生;产生

To occur or happen; to take place

come across - 偶然遇见;给人…印象

To encounter or meet someone or something unexpectedly; to make a certain impression on someone

come along - 前进;进展

To make progress or develop; to accompany or join someone

come apart - 分裂;散开

To break or separate into pieces; to disintegrate

come around - 转变观点;恢复意识

To change one's opinion or viewpoint; to regain consciousness or recover from a fainting spell

come at - 扑向;冲向

To approach or attack someone or something aggressively

come away with - 得到;带走

To acquire or take away something, often as a result of an experience or interaction

come back - 回来;回复

To return; to respond or reply

come before - 出现在……之前;在……之前考虑

To appear or be presented for consideration or judgment; to be prioritized over something else

come between - 介入;干预

To intervene or interfere in a situation or relationship

come by - 获得;得到

To obtain or acquire something, often with effort or difficulty

come down - 下降;降临

To descend; to decrease or lower in value, price, or intensity

come down to - 归结为;归根结底是

To be ultimately about or determined by something; to be reduced to a particular point or matter

come for - 来找;来迎接

To come to a place in order to find someone or something; to come to pick someone up

come forward - 走出来;站出来

To step forward; to offer oneself for a task, position, or responsibility

come forward with - 提供;拿出

To offer or present something, often information or evidence

come from - 来自;起源于

To originate from a particular place or source; to have a certain background or upbringing

come in - 进来;进入

To enter a place; to become available or be received

come in for - 遭受;承受

To receive or experience something, often criticism, punishment, or attention

come of - 结果是;发生

To result in; to happen as a consequence

come off - 成功;脱落

To succeed; to detach or separate from something

come off as - 给人…的印象

To give the impression of being a certain way; to be perceived as a particular type of person

come on - 开始;加油

To start or begin; to encourage or cheer someone on

come on to - 向…示爱;勾引

To make advances toward someone in a flirtatious or romantic manner; to try to seduce someone

come out - 出现;公开

To appear or become visible; to be revealed or disclosed

come out in - (皮肤)起(疹子);(衣物)沾上…

To develop a rash on the skin; for clothing to become stained with...

come out with - 提出;发布

To present, propose, or release something publicly; to express or disclose something

come over - 过来;访问

To come to someone's location; to visit someone

come through - 经历并成功度过;通过

To experience and successfully overcome a difficult situation; to pass through a place, such as a checkpoint

come to - 苏醒;恢复正常状态

To regain consciousness; to reach a certain state or condition

come together - 聚集在一起;团结一致

To gather in one place; to unite or cooperate

come under - 受到…的影响或管辖

To be subject to the influence, control, or jurisdiction of something

come up - 发生;出现

To happen; to arise or occur

come up for - 参加(考试、审判等);被讨论或考虑

To be scheduled for; to be discussed, considered, or evaluated

come up to - 靠近;接近

To approach someone or something; to reach a certain level, standard, or expectation

come up with - 提出;想出

To propose or suggest an idea, plan, solution, etc.; to think of something

come upon - 偶然遇见;发现

To encounter someone or something unexpectedly; to discover by chance

come within - 属于;归入

To be included or classified as part of a particular category or group

be composed of - 由...组成

To be made up or formed of specific elements or components

conceive of - 想象;构思

To imagine or form a mental image of something; to come up with an idea or concept

concentrate on - 集中注意力于

To focus or direct one's attention or efforts towards a specific task or goal

condemn to - 判决;谴责

To sentence or pronounce a punishment on someone; to express strong disapproval or criticism of something

confer on - 授予;商讨

To grant or bestow something, such as an honor or title; to discuss or consult with others

confess to - 承认;坦白

To admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or guilt; to reveal or disclose something

confide in - 吐露心事;信任

To share one's secrets, personal thoughts, or feelings with someone in a trusting manner

confine to - 限制;局限于

To restrict or limit something or someone to a particular place, situation, or activity

confront with - 面对;面临

To face or encounter a challenging or difficult situation; to bring something to someone's attention directly

conjure up - 召唤;使想起

To summon or bring to mind something, often through imagination or memory

conk out - 崩溃;熄火

To suddenly stop working or functioning, often referring to a machine or vehicle

connive at - 默许;纵容

To secretly allow or tolerate something, often implying wrongdoing or unethical behavior

consign to - 托付;交付

To entrust or deliver something to someone's care; to assign or designate something for a specific purpose

consist of - 由...组成

To be made up of specific elements or components; to have as its parts

consort with - 交往;结交

To associate or spend time with someone, often implying a close relationship or companionship

consult with - 与...商议;请教

To seek advice, guidance, or input from someone; to discuss or confer with someone

contend with - 应对;与...竞争

To deal with or cope with a difficult situation; to compete against someone or something

content with - 对...满足;满意于

To be satisfied or pleased with something; to have no desire for more

contribute to - 为...做出贡献;促成

To play a part in causing or facilitating something; to give or provide assistance, support, or resources for something

converge on - 聚集于;汇集

To come together from different directions and meet at a common point; to gather or assemble in one place

cook up - 编造;虚构

To invent or fabricate something, often a story, excuse, or plan

cool down - 冷静下来;冷却

To calm down and regain composure; to lower in temperature

cool off - 冷静下来;冷却

To calm down or become less angry, emotional, or excited; to decrease in temperature

be copped up - 被关起来;被困住

To be confined or trapped in a small or restricted space

cop out - 逃避责任;退缩

To avoid or shirk one's responsibility or commitment; to back out of a situation or obligation

copy out - 抄写;复制

To transcribe or reproduce something in writing; to make a copy of something

cordon off - 封锁;设立警戒线

To create a barrier or boundary around an area to prevent access; to establish a perimeter or cordon for security purposes

correspond to - 相符;与...一致

To match or be in agreement with something; to be equivalent or similar to something

cotton on - 领会;理解

To grasp or understand something, often after initially being unaware or slow to comprehend

couch in - 以...措辞;用...表达

To express something in a particular way or using specific language

cough up - 咳出;吐出

To expel or bring up something from the throat or lungs by coughing; to reluctantly give or provide something, often money

count against - 对...不利;成为...的缺点

To be viewed as a disadvantage or negative factor for someone or something

count among - 列入;算作

To include or classify someone or something as part of a particular group or category

count down - 倒计时;倒数

To count backwards from a specific number to zero, often in anticipation of an event or deadline

count for - 有重要性;有价值

To be significant or valuable in a particular context or situation

count in - 算在内;包括

To include or take into account someone or something when considering a situation or making calculations

count off - 报数;点名

To count aloud in sequence, typically for the purpose of identification or organization

count on - 依靠;指望

To rely or depend on someone or something; to trust that someone will do what they have promised

count out - 排除;不计算

To exclude or disregard someone or something from consideration or participation

count towards - 对...有贡献;对...有影响

To contribute to or have an impact on something, often in terms of progress, achievement, or evaluation

count up - 计数;逐个数起来

To count upwards from zero to a specific number, often used to tally or keep track of items

couple with - 与...结合;与...配对

To combine or join together with something else; to pair or match with something

cover over - 掩盖;遮盖

To conceal or hide something; to place a covering over something

cover up - 掩盖;掩饰

To conceal or hide something, often a mistake, wrongdoing, or evidence

crack down - 打击;严厉处理

To take strong action to enforce a rule or law; to impose strict measures to control a situation

crack up - 大笑;崩溃

To laugh uncontrollably; to have a mental or emotional breakdown

cram in - 填塞;挤进

To force or squeeze something into a small or limited space; to schedule or fit in a large amount of activities or tasks

crank out - 制造;生产

To produce or manufacture something quickly and in large quantities, often with little attention to quality or detail

crash around - 胡乱走动;乱闯

To move around in a noisy, chaotic, or reckless manner, often causing disturbance or damage

crash down - 倒塌;猛落

To collapse suddenly, often referring to a building or structure; to fall or drop heavily

crash out - 睡着了;熄灭

To fall asleep suddenly and often unexpectedly; to stop functioning suddenly, often referring to a machine or device

be crawling with - 爬满;到处都是

To be full of something unpleasant or unwanted, often referring to insects, pests, or germs

cream off - 挑选;精选

To select or take the best or most valuable part of something; to skim off the top layer of a liquid

crease up - 笑得弯腰;皱起

To bend over in laughter; to form wrinkles or folds on a surface

credit sb with sth - 归功于;认为...是某人的功劳

To attribute or acknowledge someone as being responsible for something positive or beneficial

creep in - 悄悄进入;渐渐出现

To enter or appear gradually and unnoticed; to insinuate oneself into a situation or conversation

creep out - 使毛骨悚然;恶心

To cause someone to feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or disgusted

creep over - 悄悄降临;渐渐笼罩

To spread gradually and unnoticed over an area or situation; to affect someone's mood or emotions slowly and subtly

creep to - 悄悄接近;蹑手蹑脚地走

To approach someone or something quietly and cautiously, often with the intention of surprising them

creep up on - 悄悄靠近;突然袭击

To approach someone or something quietly and unnoticed, often with the intention of surprising them

crop up - 突然出现;意外发生

To appear suddenly and unexpectedly, often referring to a problem, issue, or question

cross off - 删去;划掉

To mark something as completed or no longer relevant by drawing a line through it; to remove something from a list or schedule

cross out - 删去;划掉

To mark something as incorrect or no longer relevant by drawing a line through it; to delete or remove something from a text

cross over - 跨越;穿过

To move from one side of something to the other; to transition from one situation or position to another

crowd around - 围拢;挤在周围

To gather closely around someone or something, often in a way that makes movement difficult

crowd in on - 逼近;包围

To surround or approach someone or something closely, often with the intention of making them feel uncomfortable or threatened

crowd out - 排挤;挤出

To force someone or something out of a particular place or situation by taking up too much space or attention

crumble away - 破碎;崩塌

To break apart or disintegrate into small pieces; to deteriorate or decay gradually

crush up - 碾碎;压碎

To grind or mash something into small pieces; to crush something with force

cry off - 取消;撤回

To cancel or withdraw from a previously arranged plan or commitment

cry out against - 强烈反对;大声抗议

To express strong opposition or disapproval of something; to protest loudly against something

cry out for - 迫切需要;急需

To strongly demand or require something; to be in urgent need of something

cuddle up - 紧贴;拥抱

To hold someone or something close and affectionately; to snuggle up to someone or something

cull from - 挑选;从...中选出

To select or choose something carefully from a larger group; to extract or gather something from a larger source

culminate in - 以...告终;达到顶点

To reach the highest point or final result of something; to end or conclude with a particular event or outcome

curl up - 卷曲;蜷缩

To form into a spiral or coil; to draw one's limbs in close to the body and become comfortable

curse out - 骂人;咒骂

To use abusive or offensive language towards someone; to curse at someone

be cursed with - 被诅咒;遭受...的折磨

To be afflicted or burdened with something unpleasant or unwanted, often referring to a negative trait or circumstance

cuss out - 骂人;咒骂

To use vulgar language or profanity towards someone; to curse at someone

cut across - 横穿;跨越

To move across or through something in a diagonal or transverse direction; to affect or involve different groups or areas

cut back - 削减;缩减

To reduce or decrease something, often referring to expenses, staff, or resources

cut down - 砍倒;减少

To fell or chop down a tree or other plant; to reduce the quantity or amount of something

cut in - 插嘴;打断

To interrupt someone who is speaking; to join a conversation suddenly

cut into - 切入;割开

To make a cut or incision in something; to encroach on someone's time, resources, or profits

cut off - 切断;中断

To sever or disconnect something from its source; to stop providing someone with something, often referring to money, supplies, or communication

cut out - 剪下;切掉

To remove something by cutting it away; to stop doing something suddenly

cut through - 穿过;贯穿

To pass through something by cutting a path or opening; to penetrate through a difficult situation


  1. Call away
  2. Call back
  3. Call by
  4. Call for
  5. Call forth
  6. Call in
  7. Call off
  8. Call on
  9. Call upon ...to do
  10. Call out
  11. Call over
  12. Calm down
  13. Camp out
  14. Camp up
  15. Cancel out
  16. Capitalize on
  17. Care for
  18. get carried away
  19. Carry forward
  20. Carry off
  21. Carry on
  22. Carry out
  23. Cut off
  24. carve out
  25. carve up
  26. Cash in
  27. cash in on
  28. Cash out
  29. Cast around
  30. cast aside
  31. be cast away
  32. cast back
  33. cast down
  34. cast off
  35. cast out
  36. catch on
  37. catch out
  38. catch up
  39. be caught up in
  40. catch up on
  41. catch up with
  42. cater to
  43. cater for
  44. cave in
  45. center around
  46. chalk up
  47. chalk up to
  48. chance upon
  49. change around
  50. change down

  1. change into
  2. change over
  3. change up
  4. charge up
  5. charge somebody with
  6. chase after
  7. chase away
  8. chase down
  9. chase off
  10. chase up
  11. chat up
  12. cheat on
  13. check in
  14. check into
  15. check off
  16. check on
  17. check out
  18. check over
  19. check through
  20. check up
  21. check up on somebody/ something
  22. cheer on
  23. cheer up
  24. chew on
  25. chew out
  26. chew over
  27. chew up
  28. chicken out
  29. chill out
  30. chime in
  31. chip away at
  32. chip in
  33. choke back
  34. choke off
  35. choke up
  36. choose up
  37. chop down
  38. chop off
  39. chop up
  40. Chow down
  41. chuck away
  42. chuck in
  43. chuck out
  44. chug along
  45. chum around
  46. clam up
  47. clamp down
  48. claw at
  49. claw back
  50. clean out

  1. clean up
  2. clear away
  3. clear out
  4. clear up
  5. click on
  6. climb down
  7. cling to
  8. clock in
  9. clock out
  10. clock up
  11. clog up
  12. close down
  13. close in
  14. close off
  15. close on
  16. close out
  17. close up
  18. cloud over
  19. clown around
  20. club together
  21. clue in
  22. clue up
  23. cluster around
  24. clutter up
  25. coast along
  26. cobble together
  27. colour in
  28. colour up
  29. comb through
  30. come about
  31. come across
  32. come along
  33. come apart
  34. come around
  35. come at
  36. come away with
  37. come back
  38. come before
  39. come between
  40. come by
  41. come down
  42. come down to
  43. come for
  44. come forward
  45. come forward with
  46. come from
  47. come in
  48. come in for
  49. come of
  50. come off

  1. come off as
  2. come on
  3. come on to
  4. come out
  5. come out in
  6. come out with
  7. come over
  8. come through
  9. come to
  10. come together
  11. come under
  12. come up
  13. come up for
  14. come up to
  15. come up with
  16. come upon
  17. come within
  18. be composed of
  19. conceive of
  20. concentrate on
  21. condemn to
  22. confer on
  23. confess to
  24. confide in
  25. confine to
  26. confront with
  27. conjure up
  28. conk out
  29. connive at
  30. consign to
  31. consist of
  32. consort with
  33. consult with
  34. contend with
  35. content with
  36. contribute to
  37. converge on
  38. cook up
  39. cool down
  40. cool off
  41. be copped up
  42. cop out
  43. copy out
  44. cordon off
  45. correspond to
  46. cotton on
  47. couch in
  48. cough up
  49. count against
  50. count among

  1. count down
  2. count for
  3. count in
  4. count off
  5. count on
  6. count out
  7. count towards
  8. count up
  9. couple with
  10. cover over
  11. cover up
  12. crack down
  13. crack up
  14. cram in
  15. crank out
  16. crash around
  17. crash down
  18. crash out
  19. be crawling with
  20. cream off
  21. crease up
  22. credit sb with sth
  23. creep in
  24. creep out
  25. creep over
  26. creep to
  27. creep up on
  28. crop up
  29. cross off
  30. cross out
  31. cross over
  32. crowd around
  33. crowd in on
  34. crowd out
  35. crumble away
  36. crush up
  37. cry off
  38. cry out against
  39. cry out for
  40. cuddle up
  41. cull from
  42. culminate in
  43. curl up
  44. curse out
  45. be cursed with
  46. cuss out
  47. cut across
  48. cut back
  49. cut down
  50. cut in
  51. cut into
  52. cut off
  53. cut out
  54. cut through
  55. cut up
