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C++模板编程-扩展标准库方法( break tie )

ccvgpt 2024-08-03 12:32:37 基础教程 19 ℃



C++模板编程-扩展标准库方法( break tie )


	template<typename T>  // class template parameter T
	class ClassUnconnected
		ClassUnconnected(const char* msg) // constructor parameter msg
		{									// between class template parameter T
											// and constructor parameter msg
											// there is no connection of any kind


	// class template parameter (or argument) deduction guide
	template<typename T> 
	ClassUnconnected(const T* msg) // constructor
	ClassUnconnected<T>;  // class template .. we are deducing the class template parameter T



template<typename T>	// class template parameter T
	class ClassTied
		T m_value;
		ClassTied(const T* msg)  // constructor parameter msg
		{						// the type of msg is tied to T,the class template parameter
								// with this tie between constructor parameter and class template parameter	T
								// C++ complier can deduce the class template parameter
								// ClassTied<T>,this T can be deduced using constructor parameter.





// we can extract the type of T
	// using tft::element_type_t<ClassBreakTheTie<T>>
	template<typename T>	// class template parameter T
	class ClassBreakTheTie	// ClassBreakTheTie<char>
		T m_value;
		// the custom deduction guide
		// modifies the type of m_value on-the-fly
		// this was impossible before C++17
		template<typename S>
		ClassBreakTheTie(const S* msg) : m_value{ msg }
		   // ClassBreakTheTie<char>::ClassBreakTheTie(const char* msg)

	// we defined class template parameter deduction guide for ClassBreakTheTie<S>
	template<typename S>  // S -> char
	ClassBreakTheTie(const S* msg)->// ClassBreakTheTie<char>::ClassBreakTheTie(const char* msg)
		ClassBreakTheTie<std::basic_string<S>>;	// ClassBreakTheTie<std::basic_string<char>>


#include "pch.h"

auto stream = tpf::stream();
auto nl = stream.get_console_out();

namespace tft
	as we will soon see,the custom deduction guide works only when the constructor's
	parameter type is
	(1) Not tied to (or connected with) that of class template parameter.
	(2) the class template parameter type is deducible using the custom deduction guide.

	template<typename T>  // class template parameter T
	class ClassUnconnected
		ClassUnconnected(const char* msg) // constructor parameter msg
		{									// between class template parameter T
											// and constructor parameter msg
											// there is no connection of any kind


	// class template parameter (or argument) deduction guide
	template<typename T> 
	ClassUnconnected(const T* msg) // constructor
	ClassUnconnected<T>;  // class template .. we are deducing the class template parameter T

	template<typename T>	// class template parameter T
	class ClassTied
		T m_value;
		ClassTied(const T* msg)  // constructor parameter msg
		{						// the type of msg is tied to T,the class template parameter
								// with this tie between constructor parameter and class template parameter	T
								// C++ complier can deduce the class template parameter
								// ClassTied<T>,this T can be deduced using constructor parameter.


		without breaking the tie (or the vicious cycle) between the class template
		parameter T and its constructor parameter type,our custom deduction guide does not work

		Luckily,in the most of C++ standard library classes ,the vicious cycle (or tie)
		is broken such that we can take advantage of the custom deduction guide,
		which enables us to further extend C++ standard library to meet our needs

	// we can extract the type of T
	// using tft::element_type_t<ClassBreakTheTie<T>>
	template<typename T>	// class template parameter T
	class ClassBreakTheTie	// ClassBreakTheTie<char>
		T m_value;
		// the custom deduction guide
		// modifies the type of m_value on-the-fly
		// this was impossible before C++17
		template<typename S>
		ClassBreakTheTie(const S* msg) : m_value{ msg }
		   // ClassBreakTheTie<char>::ClassBreakTheTie(const char* msg)

	// we defined class template parameter deduction guide for ClassBreakTheTie<S>
	template<typename S>  // S -> char
	ClassBreakTheTie(const S* msg)->// ClassBreakTheTie<char>::ClassBreakTheTie(const char* msg)
		ClassBreakTheTie<std::basic_string<S>>;	// ClassBreakTheTie<std::basic_string<char>>

	// we have to break the tie between the constructor ClassBreakTheTie(const T* msg)
	// and the class ClassBreakTheTie<T>

}  // end of namespace tft

void deduction_guide_basic()
	tft::ClassTied t("this is literal string");
	using t_type = decltype(t);
	stream << "t's type: " << Tpf_GetTypeName(t_type) << nl;
	tft::ClassUnconnected u("this is a literal string");
	using u_type = decltype(u);
	stream << "t's type: " << Tpf_GetTypeName(u_type) << nl;

void deduction_guide_break_tie()
	// char

	tft::ClassBreakTheTie b("this is literal string");
	using b_type = decltype(b);
		please understand that tft::element_type_t<> function is
		indispensible and one of most frequently used type functions
		for advanced C++ programming.

		please make yourself familiarized with it. We will be using it over 
		and over again.
	using  element_t = tft::element_type_t<b_type>;

	stream << "b's type: " << Tpf_GetTypeName(b_type) << nl;
	stream << "the element type T of b_type: " << Tpf_GetTypeName(element_t) << nl;
	/// <summary>
	/// ////  wchar_t ////////////////////////////////////////////
	/// </summary>
	tft::ClassBreakTheTie w(L"this is literal string");
	using w_type = decltype(w);
	using w_element_t = tft::element_type_t<w_type>;

	stream << "w's type: " << Tpf_GetTypeName(w_type) << nl;
	stream << "the w element type T of b_type: " << Tpf_GetTypeName(w_element_t) << nl;

int main()
	return 0;

